1. In the Online Monologue, who was the character on the screen speaking to? You can do one or more of the characters.
The character on screen was speaking to her online fans / audience about how her father's dive into internet conspiracies have affected their everyday lives.
2. What are three things that are on your mind right now? It can be inspired by the Monologue you watched or by the play you read or just what you, yourself are thinking about these days. What are you worried about or curious about or proud about or learning about or daydreaming about? Just what is on your mind right now? at least three sentences or as many as you like.
The things that are on my mind right now are about how Trump's vocabulary in his briefings are "interesting" to say the least (due to the vlogger mentioning a conspiracy of how the military put Trump in office), how some places are closing earlier than 8pm due to not getting as much business, and about how through and articulate the Unabomber was with the creation of his bombs and his choice of victims since I just finished watching a Netflix documentary on the Unabomber.
Thank goodness for Netflix documentaries right now. The one you watched sounds really interesting; I may have to check it out.
I appreciate your thoughts about how he was articulate and specific; I wonder if there is some inspiration for your monologue in there? Is there a way you can use that specificity and articulation in the way that your character expresses themselves? Let's see.
I also wonder if you are still working your job? Are you closing early? Just wondering about you. Stay safe!