1. Who was your favorite character and why?
a. My favorite character is Pippin because at some points he Pippin reminds me of me. At first, he is full of joy and he is on a journey to find his happiness in a sense. He wants to have a fulfilling life and he wants to ensure that he finds it.
2. Which Actor did you like the best and why?
a. Pippin's performance seemed like the best because, throughout the musical, Pippin changes as a person. Pippin is a dynamic character and it is difficult to change from one form of a person to another. Playing the character takes talent since they need to live inside the character and be them, once it is done, the character changes in the play and has a completely different mindset from the beginning to the end.
3. Where was a moment you felt like you could see an actor trying to get what their character wanted? What verbs did they use? Two sentences and 3 verbs
a. When The Leading Player and Pippin were realizing what Pippin's father was doing. They were hyper, angry, and realizing what horrible things were happening. Pippin wanted change and The Leading Player was cheering him on.
4. What moment in the story resonated with you the most and why?
a. At the end of the musical, Pippin says how he basically missed out on being a normal person. What made him happy the most was when he was at Catherine's home and it took him a while to realize that. His intentions were to find happiness and fulfillment in life, but he never took a step back and lived in the moment to realize he was already happy.
Koray, I can SO imagine you as Pippin! I am glad you liked it; I love his journey. And you are right, Pippin is the character who changes; the chorus is pretty static in their journey and that is part of the point. I hope that you are glad to have watched it, even if it is super 70s-tastic.