1. Who was your favorite character and why? Three sentences
My favorite character in Mad Deep was the Yellow Guy/ painter. As a viwer you could see it was like he was thinking to himself but, saying it aloud. When he was describing it I began to formulate the picture inside my head for some odd reason.
2. Which Actor did you like the best and why? Three sentences
The actor that I like the most was the dream guy. His story really intrigued me by how his nightmares were linked to his childhood memories and the possibility of what he saw being real. Also how I knew how he thought it was real without home evening having to say it.
3. Where was a moment you felt like you could see an actor trying to get what their character wanted? What verbs did they use? Two sentences and 3 verbs
When the painter finally got the colors of the ocean he was drawing. You could see the artist get excited and start moving around. Understand, Fidget, comprehend
4. What moment in the story resonated with you the most and why? Three sentences
The story about the ocean because I never thought of how little of the ocean we discovered. There could be such more out there, only discovering 5% of the ocean floor means that we are basically clueless to the current situation. Clueless is how I feel now not knowing when this pandemic will end
Clueless! Yes I think we all are feeling pretty clueless right now. I am glad that the Yellow Guy was able to get pictures inside of your head; I think that is part of what storytelling is all about. Thank you for your thoughts on this.