1. My character is facing the big obstacle of baseball being cancelled to a date TBD, so he can’t prove anything to the fans. All he can do is talk to fans over social media, when he’s supposed to be showing them what he’s worth on the field. Since nobody can play baseball right now, fans are eager to watch their teams play again, but this obstacle is tougher to get around than most, as my character can’t possibly beat this obstacle of COVID-19 on his own. He just wants the pandemic to end so that he can get to what he really wants.
2.If my character can’t get what he wants, there will be huge consequences for him. If he can’t beat the obstacle of COVID, nobody will play baseball and he won't have a job. Even once baseball starts up again, my character will need to earn the trust and respect of the fans with his play on the field, which might be a little bit rusty. If he doesn’t earn the respect and trust from the Yankee fans, he will most likely be a hated player and not have a very long career with the Yankees or in baseball in general. So major repercussions are on the line here for my character to get what he wants, the respect of the fans.
Great. I am really enjoying the circumstances you created for this character.